In our search for information on Venerable Matt Talbot, we periodically find a book, message, reference or article dedicated to Matt, even though the content may not be specifically related to him. One example is this free eBook, The Rosary of the Hours, published by Our Sunday Visitor Publishers (2008) and compiled by a Brother of Penance of the Secular Franciscan Order. (JB)
The Rosary of the Hours: Introducing a New Way to Pray an Ancient Prayer

Whether for Eucharistic Adoration in your parish, or for private devotion in your home -- or wherever or whatever your circumstances -- the Rosary of the Hours provides a simple and inspirational method of sanctifying every hour. Specially chosen prayers from the Psalms, beautiful meditations gleaned from the Popes, and suggested Scripture passages for further meditation are yours, to inspire and comfort, whatever the time, day or night.
Our Sunday Visitor provides the Rosary of the Hours free-of-charge to all."