This image of Matt Talbot is most appropriate since he spent his
non-work related time on his knees praying, be it at home, in church, or waiting for the church doors to open. (His
pants had slits at the knees so they touched the kneeling

Venerable Matt Talbot Resource Center
The Venerable Matt Talbot Resource Center exists to compile writings about the life, times, conversion, and recovery from alcoholism of Matt Talbot (1856-1925) of Dublin, Ireland. Disclaimer: The placing of information on this site from external linked sources does not necessarily imply agreement with that information. This center is independent of any other center, group, organization, website, or Facebook page. Comments are welcome at:
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Catholic Alcoholic Website
An informative blog that may be of interest is the Catholic
Alcoholic at
Its creator has a devotion to Venerable Matt Talbot as well as other holy people and saints. Her entries include both historical and contemporary topics. She also provides an extensive list of possibly relevant websites.
Its creator has a devotion to Venerable Matt Talbot as well as other holy people and saints. Her entries include both historical and contemporary topics. She also provides an extensive list of possibly relevant websites.
"Matt Talbot way",
Alcoholics Anonymous,
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Venerable Matt Talbot Memorial in Poland
These photos were taken at the Matt Talbot Memorial in Plock, Poland.
The carved words in the background of the top photo quote Matt, "First of all, I have to take
into account the interests of the soul.”
appreciate the assistance of Grzegorz
Jakielski regarding information about this memorial.
Matt Talbot image,
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Venerable Matt Talbot on Facebook in English and Polish
While the Venerable Matt Talbot Resource Center is not on
Facebook, Venerable Matt Talbot is present on this social media
The newest Facebook listing for Venerable Matt Talbot can
be found at . Its originator also has a Facebook page about Mateusz Talbot in
Polish at and a website at
Least one be surprised about a Polish interest in Matt, Blessed Pope John Paul II as a boy wrote a paper about Matt Talbot and as pope wanted to beatify Matt during his pontificate since he thought that Matt’s example could be very valuable for those addicted to alcohol and drugs.
Pope John Paul II
Monday, March 4, 2013
Select Resources for Spiritual Growth and Recovery
We recently noted at that
the new prayer book for those affected by addiction has been published. Please
note that this 40 page book can now be viewed or downloaded free at
Reference to Venerable Matt Talbot can be read at pages
In the book, Divine Therapy and Addiction: Centering Prayer and the Twelve Steps, at Fr. Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O, a Trappist monk, reflects on the wisdom and legacy of the Alcoholics Anonymous twelve-step approach to recovery and its connections to, and similarities with, the Christian mystical traditions of centering prayer and Lectio Divina.
At “Living Sober Through the Psalms,” found at,) the author prays one at at a time through the Psalms and other recovery literature with added brief personal commentary, and concludes each day with wisdom from Church thinkers. This author also has an article,
Divina and the 11th Step of Recovery” at
Additional resources will be listed periodically.
A Reflection on Spiritual Recovery
[Mr. Rose
previously wrote a column at and
now writes at]
Spiritual Recovery
by Phil Fox Rose
June 8, 2009
If you are an alcoholic or addict, being spiritually unfit can be fatal. If not literally fatal then, as in my case, a living death — one definition of Hell is being alive and active in this world, feeling separated from God. And I spent years there. But today I live — and have for some time now — free, awake, fully alive, vital.
My earlier What Works column on alcoholism and addiction focused on self-diagnosis, and I could easily explain my own alcoholism by pointing to genetics and circumstances; but the root cause is spiritual — that God-shaped hole, that feeling of brokenness and alienation I was trying to assuage. I’ve met other alcoholics who had no obvious “causes” but I think we all share a spiritual longing.
Carl Jung wrote, to Alcoholics Anonymous cofounder Bill Wilson, that “craving for alcohol” is “the equivalent on a low level of the spiritual thirst of our being for wholeness,” famously concluding the letter “spiritus contra spiritum” — the Spirit against alcohol.
As I said about not getting enough sleep, when you don’t feel connected to God, it’s easy to slip into irritability. A more accurate word is probably “sullenness.” And, if you’ll forgive a moment of word-nerdiness, “sullen” comes from the same root as “solo” and originally meant “alone.” How fitting, because that’s really what’s going on — you feel alone in the universe.
Recovery is not self-help
Let me be as clear as possible here: Recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction is not about self-help. The solution is not to gain knowledge and strength and willpower so you can beat it. As I’ve said before, it’s not even to admit you have a problem. Recovery is about recognizing that, alone, you are powerless to solve the problem. To receive the grace you need to recover, you must admit you need help from something greater than yourself.
Many people lead lives of quiet desperation, trying to fill the God-shaped hole and cover the pain with shopping, eating, and a million distractions. But addicts and alcoholics are physically predisposed to escape or numb themselves in ways that go directly into a downward spiral of self-destruction. My last few years before sobriety, life was little more than an isolated routine of coming to, muddling around in the apartment, watching TV, and mixing alcohol, Vicodin and Ambien to make things fuzzy until I passed out. Talk about sleepwalking through life.
Let go and let God
Jesus said: “You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38) He was quoting Hebrew Scripture, Deuteronomy 6:5. In even simpler terms, “Trust God.”
But, of course, we resist depending on God, don’t we? The serpent said to Eve: “your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God”. (Genesis 3:5) Pride. We try, again and again, to play God; we try to manage the world, our own destiny, other people. The thing is, once you dedicate yourself to figuring out life without God, you find yourself smack dab in self-centered fear. Suddenly, managing the universe is your problem, and you know you’re not up to the task. My biggest trigger used to be trying to control what everyone thought of me. (I can still go there sometimes.)
Notice whenever life feels unmanageable. You’ll probably find it’s when you think you have to solve something on your own. How often we cause suffering by not accepting the way things are.
Spiritual tools
“Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today,” is the opening line of one of the most popular passages in recovery literature. What a challenge! To simply accept that things are the way they are. Could they be changed? Perhaps. Improved? It’s possible. But right in this moment, things are the way they are. To find acceptance of this is tremendous freedom and tremendous relief. This is why I am such a strong advocate of meditation. Meditation created the opening that began my journey toward greater authenticity. It continues to be a guide along the way, daily practice in detachment and acceptance.
The therapeutic and medical communities dissect the psychological and physiological aspects of addiction but often neglect or even deny the spiritual component. Self-help gurus say you can beat this addiction or that by learning their secrets. But the most helpful resource on the spiritual dimension of recovery remains A.A.’s foundational book, Alcoholics Anonymous (usually called the Big Book.) When it was written in the 1930s, A.A. was more single-minded in its view that recovery was a spiritual project. That approach is outlined in the book and still practiced by many in A.A.
Caveat addictus
I want to make something absolutely clear before I close. A spiritual
practice alone, without work specifically for addiction, is problematic. Worse,
it’s all too easy for addicts and alcoholics to convince themselves they’re
covered through meditation or church attendance. Not likely. After years of
sobriety, as lay leader of my congregation, I started drinking wine at potlucks
before Bible study! I’d forgotten I was an alcoholic and simply cannot drink
safely — no matter how spiritual I may think I am.
Maintenance of your spiritual condition
Maintenance of your spiritual condition
Here are some spiritual tools you can use to stay connected to God day to
day. Next to each of the six items, I suggest specific practices. But of course,
you should find what works for you. By having these six areas covered, you can
devote far less energy to struggling to maintain your spiritual condition. Of
course, you will slip up. It’s just like exercise: You know it’s good for you.
You know you’ll feel better. But you don’t always do it. I hope you find
something useful here.
Daily morning prayers — some fixed prayers to frame the day: the Serenity Prayer; the Lord’s Prayer; “Lord, I pray that I be of maximum usefulness to you and my fellows throughout this day, and that I find it easy to take the next right actions” — and a free-form period: briefly recall yesterdays achievements and events and thank God; briefly consider today’s events and ask for guidance and wisdom to make the best of what lies ahead; pray for spiritual guides, past and present, for those to whom you give guidance or support, and for anyone in your life facing a challenge.
Note: If you have given up alcohol for Lent, you might find this author's article of interest:
Daily morning prayers — some fixed prayers to frame the day: the Serenity Prayer; the Lord’s Prayer; “Lord, I pray that I be of maximum usefulness to you and my fellows throughout this day, and that I find it easy to take the next right actions” — and a free-form period: briefly recall yesterdays achievements and events and thank God; briefly consider today’s events and ask for guidance and wisdom to make the best of what lies ahead; pray for spiritual guides, past and present, for those to whom you give guidance or support, and for anyone in your life facing a challenge.
Daily meditation — See my earlier column on meditation.
Daily spiritual reading — Daily readers, Scripture, or other
spiritual books. The practice of following prayer and meditation with some
careful spiritual reading is powerful. It grounds your day. And sometimes it
triggers contemplation that leads to breakthroughs and insights that are
life-changing. Be a student in our spiritual journey.
Throughout the day — Use various tools and techniques to
maintain or restore serenity — meditation; the Welcoming Prayer; counting to
ten; praying the Rosary — there are dozens of useful tools for this.
Regular recovery-focused group work — Opinions vary on
frequency, but regular and frequent is the rule, not the exception. It is the
experience of millions that A.A.
is the most effective approach and A.A.
meetings are available nearly everywhere. Other options include Celebrate Recovery
and the Jewish organization, JACS.
- Before bed — Review the day, letting go of any residue of bad feelings. Two methods for this are the 11th Step of 12 Step programs and the Ignatian Examen of Consciousness — which are strikingly similar.
Note: If you have given up alcohol for Lent, you might find this author's article of interest:
Alcoholics Anonymous,
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