If you have not yet signed this prayer book, please do so immediately. See details at: http://venerablematttalbotresourcecenter.blogspot.com/2018/07/matt-talbot-hope-book-important-time.html

Father Douglas McKay, founder of Our House Ministries in the Grays
Ferry section of Philadelphia, recently blessed and
wrote the first entry in the "Matt Talbot Hope Book" in the St. Michael Chapel at Our House.
For decades,
Father McKay has worked to help those suffering from addiction by leading them
to Jesus Christ, the source of all life and healing.
Fr. Doug McKay is a regular guest on “The Inner Life” with Chuck Neff on Relevant Radio. Here is a link to the 6/18 show when Fr. McKay talked about Matt Talbot and Calix. https://relevantradio.com/2018/06/the-inner-life-for-june-18-2018/
A small statue of Venerable Matt Talbot that helps supports Our House Ministries and the Calix Society is still available for sale at