"Guard Your Tongue, Guard Your Temper, Guard Your Thoughts:
Wisdom from the saints on the spiritual battle"
The Word Among Us
October, 2013, 33 (9), 20
Occupy your mind with good thoughts, or the enemy will fill
them with bad ones.
—St. Thomas More
Prayer is more powerful than all the devils. He who is
attacked by the spirits of darkness needs only to apply himself vigorously to
prayer, and he will beat them back with great success. —St. Thomas More
—St. Bernard of Clairvaux
When the enemy wants to challenge me, I conduct myself valiantly. Knowing that to fight a duel is an unworthy act, I turn my back on the adversary without ever looking him in the face. Then I run to my Jesus.
—St. Thérèse of Lisieux
The devil’s snare doesn’t catch you unless you’re already nibbling on the devil’s bait.
—St. Ambrose
In company guard your tongue. In your family guard your temper. When alone guard your thoughts.
—Venerable Matt Talbot
Always and everywhere, a person should aim to live as if God were visibly present… . Such alertness requires that we turn our minds fully and decisively to the Lord.
—St. Bonaventure
Should we fall into sin, let us at once humble ourselves sorrowfully in his presence, and then, with an act of unbounded confidence, let us throw ourselves into the ocean of his goodness, where every failing will be cancelled and anxiety turned into love.
—St. Paul of the Cross
In two ways the presence of God is an antidote against sin: first, because God sees us and second, because we see God.
—St. Ignatius of Loyola
A man is really clean of heart when he is searching for the things of heaven, never failing to keep God before his eyes.
—St. Francis of Assisi
The soul that is united with God is feared by the devil as though it were God himself.
—St. John of the Cross
Note: This page of quotes appeared among featured articles on the topic of the path of victory over spiritual battle. As you noted Venerable Matt Talbot’s quotation was both included among those of very well known saints as well as selected for the title of this page. This is especially significant since Matt is known to have written (and sent) only one letter during his lifetime whereas the other saints listed wrote extensively (with many publications still available today).
As far as Matt’s quote is concerned, the entire
quotation is, "Three things I cannot escape: the eye of God, the voice of
conscience, the stroke of death. In company, guard your tongue. In your family,
guard your temper. When alone guard your thoughts."
The letter that Matt wrote can be read at http://www.matttalbot.ie/total-giving.htm Also note http://venerablematttalbotresourcecenter.blogspot.com/2008/01/matt-talbots-connection-with-columban.html