Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Matt Talbot: Secular Franciscan

Many sketches and books about Matt Talbot note that he became a Secular Franciscan after his conversion and alcoholism recovery began. This article provides some information about the Secular Franciscan and the names of other well-known or famous Secular Franciscans.

Secular Franciscan Q and A

This page was created by the St. Clare Fraternity for those seeking to follow Christ more closely by Living Gospel to Life and Life to Gospel. The Secular Franciscan Order was founded in the early thirteenth century but many Catholics are unaware this order even exists. If fact most Secular Franciscans in my fraternity agree the SFO (Secular Franciscan Order) is one of the best kept secrets in the world. I originally made a home page for our fraternity to let others know that this order does exist. I was elated with the results. People were e-mailing me from all over the country. I soon noticed most people were asking basically the same questions so I decided to make a page answering some of the most often asked questions. The result is this page. This page was created primarily to answer your questions but it is also created for those of you feeling called but not knowing what you are being called to do. I don't believe in luck or coincidence. I do believe in Divine Providence. Maybe that's why you are here. Maybe, just maybe, the SFO is your vocation.

What is a Secular Franciscan?
Secular Franciscans are members of the third order founded by St. Francis of Assisi. Originally we were known as the Brothers and Sisters of Penance. Today, we are called Secular Franciscans.

Do you have to be single or celibate to join the Secular Franciscan Order?

NO! This order, approved and recognized by Rome, is composed of and suitable for any Roman Catholics not bound by religious vows. If you are married, single, young or old, laity or clergy and not bound by religious vows and want to follow Christ as Francis of Assisi did, please contact us.

Is the Secular Franciscan Order really a true order?

Rome has repeatedly stated that the Secular Franciscan Order is a true order. Like all orders we have a rule which is approved by Rome. We also have a novitiate, a formal profession, and a monthly meeting which substitutes for communal living.

Why are you called Secular Franciscans?

The term Secular indicates that we live in the world and although we make a public profession we are not bound by public vows as are religious orders living in community. It also distinguishes the Third Order Secular from the Third Order Regular. The Third Order Regular, which grew out of the Third Order Secular, now comprises numerous Franciscan communities all over the world.

What do Secular Franciscan do?

Did you notice the words Living Gospel to Life and Life to Gospel above? This is what we do. For most of us, it would be more accurate to say it is what we strive to do. Gospel to Life means we are to take the teachings of Jesus Christ and apply them to our every day situations. Not only wondering, what would Jesus do, but demonstrating to our fellow man what Jesus did. This means bringing peace to people and drawing them to God by living the Gospel message. We must be ready to forgive, to comfort and most of all to love. This is only accomplished by dying to ourselves. Life to Gospel means we are to conform our life to Jesus' life. We are to turn the other cheek, walk the extra mile, suffer as He suffered, pray as He prayed, forgive as He forgave, love as he loved. To the Secular Franciscan these words are not only a motto or a beautiful ideal. The words signify our mission, our way of life, our vocation. It is supposed to be the mission and way of life for all who call themselves Christians. It isn't easy or accomplished quickly. It is a life long work. That's the purpose of our on going formation program.

Are there any well known or famous Secular Franciscans?

Yes there are many notable people who are and have been members of the Secular Franciscan Order. The list includes members of the clergy, royalty, members of science, authors, artists, and those of us just interested in serving the Lord.

Popes Gregory IX, Blessed Gregory X, Innocent Xll, Pius IX, Pius X, Pope Martin V, Clement XII, and all Popes from Pius IX to and including John XXIII

Charles Borromeo, Manning, Vaughn

St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

St. John Vianney (Le Cure D'Ars) patron saint of Diocesan Priests, St. Joan of Arc, Dante, Giotto, Raphael, Michelangelo, Christopher Columbus, St. Thomas More, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Franz Liszt, Charles Gounod, André and Marie Ampère, Louis Pasteur, John Michael Talbot, parents of St. Theresa (little flower), parents of St. Maximilian Kolbe, mother of St. Maria Goretti , Blessed Peter of Sienna, a comb manufacturer, Blessed LuChesio a merchant, and dock worker Matt Talbot.