Friday, February 8, 2008

Matt Talbot noted in select historical Catholic writings on alcoholism

There is a wealth of current and historical Catholic writings about alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous. Each of the six articles linked here include a reference to Matt Talbot.

The source for these articles is
(This AA history site is dedicated to William D. Silkworth, M.D., author of "The Doctor's Opinion" that appears in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous.

The Prevention of Alcoholism - A Challenge to the Catholic Clergy
The Prevention of Alcoholism - A Challenge to the Catholic Clergy - William D. Silkworth, M.D., New York City, Rensselaer, 1950. The 'Blue Book' -National Clergy Conference on Alcoholism, 1960.
URL: - 32KB -

Alcoholics Anonymous, THE SIGN, Vol. 25: 14-16, July, 1946
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Spirituality, Religiosity and Alcoholism, AMERICA, Vol. 136: 458-461, May 21, 1977
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Alcoholics Anonymous, Liguorians, 1960

The premier site to read Catholic writings on alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous is by the National Catholic Council on Alcoholism at