Thursday, September 18, 2008

Devotions for the Alcoholic Christian

Still in print after twenty years, Rev. Carl Nelson's book, Devotions for the Alcoholic Christian, might be of interest to a wider audience that just for the recovering alcoholic. Below is the publisher's description of this book followed by its web site's link.

"How does a Christian ever get started on the road to alcoholism?

"Where was God when I begged him not to let me take that next drink?"

How can a Christian cope with the guilt of actions committed "while under the influence"?

"How can I resume my role as an active church member and face a congregation who knows what I was like when I was drinking?"

In the search for answers to these troubling questions, the recovering alcoholic receives a great deal of spiritual input, but has often had a difficult time finding specifically Christian literature to supplement the recovery program.

In response to that very real and urgent need, Rev. Carl Nelson has prepared this devotional resource for the recovering alcoholic Christian. Based on the Twelve Step program used by Alcoholics Anonymous, each daily and nightly devotion includes a Prayer, Meditation, Life Example (based on composites of recovering alcoholics whom the author has known), and a Scripture Study, making these devotions ideal for incorporation into any recovering alcoholic's daily recovery program -- and particularly useful to those who hunger for the presence of Christ in their daily struggles."

Matt Talbot certainly had a "hunger for the presence of Christ" in his daily struggles.