“Matt Talbot” by Eily MacAdam has
been included in The Catholic Collection: 734 Catholic Essays and Novels on Authentic
Catholic Teaching (2013) by Catholic Way
Publishing. It can be read at http://books.google.com/books?id=a6t1AgAAQBAJ&dq=editions%3AINVLNDoQQFoC&q=matt+talbot#v=snippet&q=matt%20talbot&f=false
or the
entire book can be purchased in a Kindle format for $1.99 at http://www.amazon.com/The-Catholic-Collection-Authentic-Teaching-ebook/dp/B00BNMX7AY.
The content of “Matt Talbot” by Eily MacAdam has
previously been been published in various formats, editions, and with different
titles, including "Matt Talbot (2000)
http://www.ecatholic2000.com/cts/untitled-279.shtml and
“The Holy Man of Dublin: The Wonder of Matt Talbot,
1856-1925” (1938) http://pamphlets.org.au/docs/cts/ireland/pdf/ctsibh242a.pdf.